SAR News 2015

April 26, 2015 Lost Snowboarder Located

2017-04-14T16:22:04-07:00April 26th, 2015|

Lost Snowboarder Located Location: Mt Bachelor By: Assist SAR Coordinator Deputy Whitcomb Lost Snowboarder: Wong, Andrew, 35 year old male, San Jose, CA Fellow Snowboarders: McCabe, Cody, 25 Year old male, San Jose, CA Gordon, Stephen, 25 Year old male, San [...]


2017-04-14T15:43:56-07:00January 2nd, 2015|

Sheri Kitanura, Manager at the Bend Shopko store, presented Carol Sanner of the SAR Foundation Board with a check to support Search and Rescue operations for Deschutes County.  We are very grateful for the support [...]

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